ICAO: Training Developers Course (TDC EN)
The TDC is the core training activity of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Programme (TPP).
It provides the core skills to consolidate the implementation of the Programme among civil aviation training centres (CATCs), through the creation of well-trained professional teams of course developers.
The course will train civil aviation course developers to design and develop Standardized Training Packages (STPs) according to the TRAINAIR PLUS competency-based training methodology, by either upgrading existing conventional courses, or creating a new STP.
After having successfully completed this course, the trainees will be able to:
- Conduct a preliminary study;
- Conduct a job analysis;
- Conduct a population analysis;
- Design the curriculum;
- Design the modules;
- Establish validity and reliability of tests;
- Establish validity of a training course.
- Experienced civil aviation course developers, instructors, and aviation professionals who are dedicated to the development and implementation of competency-based training programmes, that comply with ICAO’s training methodology standards.
- Training managers, supervisors, and professionals who wish to acquire course development skills in order to further support their training organization.
Duration: 10 Days / 60 Hours
Delivery Mode: Classroom
Language of Instruction: English