
Civil Aviation Training Center

ICAO: Government Safety Inspector Operations – Air Operator Certification (GSI OPS EN): Virtual Classroom


The ICAO Government Safety Inspector Operations – Air Operator Certification (GSI OPS) course is designed for operations inspectors involved in certifying an air transport operator. Participants will be taught the five-phase certification process based upon ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and Model Civil Aviation Regulations (MCARs).



After having successfully completed this course, the trainees will be able to:

  • Evaluate prospective Operators Pre-assessment Statement forms for acceptability;
  • Identify pre-application meeting objectives;
  • Conduct a cursory review of the packages and, from the review, evaluate the quality of one package and
  • Identify formal application meeting objectives for the other package;
  • Evaluate narrative and reference statements;
  • Conduct an in-depth evaluation of an excerpt from a mock operations manual;
  • Evaluate a sample curriculum segment from a mock operator’s training programme;
  • Evaluate an excerpt of a mock operator’s Cabin Attendant Manual for acceptability;
  • Evaluate a mock operator’s A300 Aircraft Operating Manual for acceptability;
  • Evaluate a mock operator’s proposed Minimum Equipment List (MEL) and Configuration Design List (CDL);
  • Verify submitted performance planning data for acceptability;
  • Evaluate an excerpt of a mock operator’s Aircraft Loading and Handling Manual for acceptability and identify errors;
  • Evaluate excerpts from the mock operator’s Exit Row Seating programme;
  • Evaluate the results of an inspector’s main base inspection for acceptability and determine inspector actions;
  • Evaluate the inspector’s observations of a training programme and facilities for acceptability and determine the correct inspector actions;
  • Evaluate emergency evacuation demonstration scenarios to determine if they were satisfactory and provide reasons for your decision;
  • Determine appropriate recommendations for scenarios involving inspector observations/reports of four demonstration flights and reasons for the recommendations; and
  • Complete a mock operator’s certificate and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and identify items that must be included in the certification report.



This course is for Aviation Safety Inspectors tasked with certification of air operators



Duration: 15 Days / 120 Hours
Delivery Mode: Virtual Classroom
Language of Instruction: English



This online course is a prerequisite of ICAO: Government Safety Inspector Operations – Air Cargo Certification (GSI AC EN)


ICAO: Government Safety Inspector Operations – Air Operator Certification (GSI OPS EN): Virtual Classroom
Duration: 15 Days / 120 Hours

THB 96,000

USD 3,250

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Tel: +66 2 2726105

Email: itrain@catc.or.th

Line Official: iTrain@CATC (@cur3989v)